Become A MCLC Member

MCLC welcomes new and renewing members and associates. Associates are friends of the Collaborative community who may not meet all of the membership standards but still support Collaborative Law (this can include students, retired professionals, referral and networking resources, etc.) Associates receive all the same benefits as members, except for voting rights and a public directory listing.

If you are interested in becoming a member, please review MCLC’s Membership Standards for Collaborative Practitioners, as well as the MCLC Guidelines for Best Practices, to determine if you meet our member requirements.

Joining (New Members And Associates):

Step 1: Please complete our online membership application.

Step 2: Once you submit your membership application, you will go to the Membership Categories area to choose your membership level.  When you click on the appropriate membership level, you will go to the membership “product” to submit your payment.

Step 3: If you are ready to join MCLC, jump to Application

Please Note: Each application is reviewed. If for some reason your application is denied (a rare occurrence) you will be refunded in full. Contact us at [email protected] with questions. We look forward to your joining us.

Renewing (Existing or Lapsed Members Or Associates):

Important Note: If you are a CURRENT or FORMER member or associate of MCLC, you cannot renew your membership with the application below.

Steps to Renew

Log in and check your membership status (Log in here.)

If your membership has lapsed,  click the “My Membership” link in the left sidebar menu on the My Account page . You will be taken to a page that shows your membership status. Click on the button to renew.

If your membership is current, simply choose your current membership level product below and purchase it. An additional year will be added to your membership.

Note: If you do not remember your username/password, please click the “Request New Password” link on the login page. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.  If you don’t see that email, check your junk/spam folder. Make sure to add [email protected] to your safe senders list.

Still need help? Email [email protected].

Membership Categories

MCLC Collaborative Professional – $275/yr

  • Enjoy full member benefits
  • Professional directory listing 
  • Serve on Collaborative Law teams
  • Participate on MCLC committees
  • Vote in all elections and member meetings
mclc member auto renew
mclc member

Newly Licensed MCLC Collaborative Professional – $125/yr

  • Reduced membership fee for first three years in your profession 
  • Enjoy full member benefits
  • Professional directory listing 
  • Serve on Collaborative Law teams
  • Participate on MCLC committees
  • Vote in all elections and member meetings

Auto-renew unavailable.

newly licensed practitioner

Retired MCLC Collaborative Professional – $125/yr

  • Reduced membership fee upon retirement 
  • Enjoy full member benefits
  • Participate on MCLC committees
  • Vote in all elections and member meetings
Retired practitioner auto renew
retired practitioner

Student Associate Member – $25/yr

  • Reduced membership fee until graduation 
  • Enjoy most member benefits
  • Participate on MCLC committees

Auto-renew unavailable.

student associate member

Membership Application Form

Membership Application

Personal Information

For which membership level are you applying?

Professional Information

MCLC does not verify applicants’ answers to any of the questions below. We rely on applicants completing the membership application honestly and are not responsible for any inaccurate statements or responses.
Profession(s) - Select all that apply
Have you completed (or started) your Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Law Training?

Training Information

Applicants must have completed Collaborative Law Interdisciplinary Training for standard MCLC membership. If you have not completed the training, you may still join MCLC as a Professional or Student member. Please review MCLC's Membership Standards for Collaborative Practitioners, MCLC's Guidelines for Best Collaborative Practices.

Additional Information

MCLC strongly suggests that every (2) year period members complete at least three (3) hours of additional Collaborative Practice training and attend at least six (6) MCLC-sponsored meetings. *

*Additional training includes (but may not be limited to) any MCLC-sponsored Advanced Training, the IACP Institute (Advanced Training), and the IACP Forum. Please email [email protected] with questions.

Have you had additional Collaborative Training?

MCLC occasionally makes members’ addresses (excluding telephone and email) available to other colleague organizations and to vendors who provide products and services to the Collaborative Community.

May we share your information in this fashion?
I wish to be designated as a Collaborative Financial Neutral (CFN) (check all that apply)
I wish to be designated as a Collaborative Family Law Coach/Facilitator and Child Specialist (CFCF/CS) (check all that apply)
I wish to be designated as follows (check all that apply)

Interest in Committees

Please indicate any board committees you might be interested in participating on.

Applicant Affirmations & Certifications

When engaged in Collaborative Practice, do you diligently strive to practice in a manner consistent with the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council Protocols for Best Collaborative Practices?
While MCLC does not provide formal certification, we rely on our members’ innate enthusiasm for growth and improvement. We expect our members to update their training regularly to continually improve their skills. MCLC strives to provide enriching and exciting training opportunities regularly to its members. We encourage our members to: 1) Join a practice group and attend meetings 2) Attend MCLC’s Annual Roundtable 3) Join an MCLC committee.
I affirm that when I am engaged in Collaborative Practice, in addition to following the ethical and professional standards of my profession, I will regularly engage in professional development.