Finding a Better Way to Settle Legal Disputes!



May 25, 2021
Dear Members of the mediation/collaborative community: As many of you know, I am in the end stages of what has been a fairly lengthy experience with Prostate Cancer. I had originally considered describing it as a battle, but that terminology is certainly not appropriate in this community and frankly I cringe when I hear that said about anyone who dies of Cancer. Because the implication is that if you succumb to that disease, you are a loser who did not have sufficient strength or toughness to prevail. Now where have we all encountered that kind of language in our professional lives? read more
Feb 3, 2021
The Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council (MCLC) joined forces and resources with the Massachusetts Council on Family Mediation (MCFM) and the Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM) to hire Dr. David Campt of The Dialogue Company and Matthew Freeman, co-author with Tiffany Jana of “Overcoming Bias”, to assist our organizations with education on unconscious bias and how it impacts the diversity and equity in our dispute resolution community. Dr. Camp and Mr. Freeman, working with our organizations' leaders designed a 4-part series... read more


A Collaborative Law Success Story is a four-part video series... See all here



Professional Spotlight

Profession(s): Family Law Attorney, Mediator