A Better Way to Resolve Disputes
You have made a good start by exploring this website to learn more about Collaborative Process.
What Is Collaborative Process?
In a Collaborative Law Process:
- Both you and the other party are represented by lawyers specially trained in Collaborative Process
- Collaborative attorneys focus their representation on settlement rather than contested court proceedings
- A specially trained Collaborative Coach Facilitator serves as a neutral and manages conflict in the process
- You and the other party may jointly engage other experts as needed
- The process facilitates shared solutions acknowledging the highest priorities of everyone involved
Why Should I Choose Collaborative Process?
- It is orderly, private, and flexible, unlike other dispute resolution processes
- Collaborative professionals help you engage in joint problem solving
- The attorneys and the coach/facilitator work together to guide and intervene effectively during especially difficult conversations
- Collaborative Process allows you to customize a settlement beyond the limited range of options that a court may impose
- Collaborative Process provides a safe forum in which to address issues that may intensify emotions, such as family inheritance, extra-marital affairs, caring for a child with special needs, addiction or substance abuse, gender transitioning of a spouse, or the change in a spouse’s sexual orientation