Carol Lynn May
Profession(s) and Services
Family law–practice includes mediation, collaborative law, and litigation in all areas of family law, including divorce, custody, paternity, modification and contempt actions, adoptions, prenuptial agreements, domestic partnership and living together agreements, and guardianships. Family law–practice includes mediation, collaborative law, and litigation in all areas of family law, including divorce, custody, paternity, modification and contempt actions, adoptions, prenuptial agreements, domestic partnership and living together agreements, and guardianships.
Counties Served
J.D. Columbia University School of Law; Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar, B.A. cum laude, Colgate University; Phi Beta Kappa, In the practice of family law, I belive in resolving family disputes to the extent possible by alternative dispute resolution methods, including mediation, conciliation, and collaborative law. Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council, American Bar Association, Massachusetts Bar Foundation Fellow, Massachusetts Bar Association, MetroWest Bar Association, Worcester County Bar Association, Boston Bar Association