Dear Collaborative Community,
We are deeply saddened and angered as we reflect on the recent tragic incidents of violence targeted against people of color.
As a community of peace builders and promoters of justice through dispute resolution, we strive to foster the principles of equality, diversity, and inclusivity. We challenge our membership and the community at large to be vigilant and intentional in creating and embracing these principles.
For next steps, we are committed to helping our membership access important education and resources, and will provide information on these as they develop. We also welcome member interest in joining the Diversity and Inclusion Committee to assist with these efforts.
This is a message of hope---hope that our community will rise to the challenge, hope that each small step we take will lead to more peace and justice, and hope that recent events will spur us on to deliberately shape the society we are capable of achieving.
Peace for all,
Beth L. Aarons, President
Kristin Beane, Executive Director
Debra Smith, Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee
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